Frequently Asked Quesions




  • Do you have to modify your board to add suspension?

    • No! We designed the kit to bolt on with no changes to the board.

  • Why didn’t we make this a linkage suspension?

    • One word: Patents. Future Motion holds 3 different patents on Onewheel suspensions and we didn’t want to get lovely calls from lawyers!

  • Do rail protectors work with the kit?

    • The side protectors work, but you have to cut out as small area under the shock on top of the rail.

  • How much weight does the suspension add to the board?

    • Only 3.9 lbs!

  • Do fenders work with the suspension?

    • Yes! We created the kit to work with FM stock fender, C&R magnetic fender, and Flight Fins fender.

  • How does the kit work?

    • You remove the XR axle blocks and replace it with our new blocks which travel up and down on Linear Bearings!

  • Does the suspension bounce you off the board?

    • No! All the shocks we sell with our kits have rebound control. This allows the suspension to absorb bumps, but controls the rate of how fast the suspension returns up. This actually makes it EASIER to stay on the board!

  • Does the suspension help with rider fatigue? (Foot pain, knee pain, ect.)

    • ABSOLUTEY! Our suspension makes it possible to ride harder and longer without getting tired or hurting as much after a long ride.

KiiL Stainless Steel Guards FAQ

  • Will they fit over my side rail guards?

    • YES! With our new V2 design you will be able to fit them over side rail guards like the sidekicks and OW original side guards!

  •  Why does it wrap all the way up the sides?

    • In order to create the strongest structural integrity, we wrapped the sides all the way to the front and back creating a box that won’t bend or be manipulated on impact. This also provides a smooth round edge on the sides giving you more freedom when grinding or sliding on objects.

  • What makes these so much better than other metal guards I have seen?

    • Aluminum is soft, so when it makes contact with pavement it’s more likely to sliver and dent. We wanted a metal that when making contact with pavement would be more rigid. We also wanted to create the lowest profile possible and add as little weight (Only 1.6lbs) as needed while still having the most durable guards available! Most other guards act like brakes when meeting pavement, sending you forward. This steel is Cold Rolled multiple times so it almost bounces off the surface only leaving scuff marks. Less Friction, Less Thickness, Less weight, Stronger Material!

  • What is so special about these bottom guards?

    • The metal we use is the same material used on Aircraft Structures where corrosion resistance and strength is of the utmost importance. Many aircrafts have a Keel plate on the bottom to protect the fuel tank from rupturing in a crash landing, most Keel plates are made of the same material as your KiiL Guards (See where we came up with the name!) Ultimately we chose this material because it will not corrode and its the hardest S#^* out there!